- персонализация
- дизайн
- инновация и превосходство
- Устойчивое развитие
- История
- Программы обучения вождению
- Салон
- поиск
- новости
An aviator, especially an aerobatics pilot, takes to the skies to experience a particular freedom, where horizons are limitless, where he chooses his destination and how he gets there. He becomes one with his machine, maneuvering and exploring the capabilities of the engineering around him and testing his own abilities at the same time. Italy’s champion race and stunt pilot Dario Costa describes the expression of flying as the ultimate fun, relishing personal instinctiveness in an environment uncommon to everyday life. It’s his choice, he makes the decisions. It’s escapism at its best, something every human being wishes for at some time in life.