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Interview on the Move: coordinating a team in the finishing department

27 Junio 2023
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Born in the Italian region of Abruzzo, Moira began her adventure at Lamborghini in 2013 as an intern in the CFK quality area in order to write her two-year Master’s thesis. After receiving her degree, she continued her path at the company, and in 2015 joined the Production department, where she currently holds the position of forewoman.

In the Finishing department, where our cars are completed before being delivered to the customers, Moira coordinates a team with the aim of reaching the production volumes in compliance with the quality and safety standards.

In a role like hers, in Moira’s opinion it is essential to reconcile the technical aspect with the ability to develop and promote the individual uniqueness by harmonizing them within the common objective.

An enthusiast of outdoor activities connected with the mountains, Moira never loses the chance to carve out some moments for herself to enjoy nature.


Another successful edition of Lamborghini Accademia Neve

Valores de consumo y emisiones de todos los vehículos presentes en esta página*: Ahorro de carburante combinado: 15 MPG; EPA