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Angles Podcast #2: James Fox unlocks the mysteries of color

29 Marzo 2024
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For the second episode of “Angles: A Lamborghini Podcast”, we have invited world-renowned art historian, author and BAFTA nominated broadcaster James Fox to the Italian island of Sardinia, whose famously blue skies and crystal-clear waters inspired the paint treatment showcased on the “Opera Unica” Huracan Sterrato, to share with us the mysteries behind the cultural and historical significance of color.

James Fox became fascinated with color at an early age, and went on to gain a first class degree in History of Art at the University of Cambridge in 2004, where he now enjoys a fellowship after stints at Harvard and Yale. He is most notable today though for presenting much-admired documentaries for the BBC, and as a respected commentator on 20th century and contemporary art. In 2023, his passion culminated in his acclaimed book “The World According to Colour”, a mesmerizing cultural history.

The Lamborghini Podcast is available to listen to on Spotify and Apple Podcasts, to watch on YouTube for a fully immersive experience, and via the special podcast hub on

Listen to the second episode of “Angles: A Lamborghini Podcast” >


Another successful edition of Lamborghini Accademia Neve

Valores ahorro de carburante del Huracán Sterrato*: Ahorro de carburante combinado: 15 MPG; EPA